Fridays are Celebration days!16 September 2022 (by Rachel Bradley McKay (Head)) |
We have plenty to celebrate this week! The very first parent and toddler session took place in the nature area this Wednesday and it was an incredible success!
Ash Class are now full-time members of the school and have settled brilliantly! They stayed to their first celebration assembly today and showed great respect - well done! The buddy system has been fantastic this year, with some of our Year 6 children taking on additional buddy support for the nursery group. It is great to have so many new faces on the playground!
This week a very special volunteer helped me with the assembly and the House Captains took on their role leading the Friday assembly. There has been plenty of hard work across the school, and we are proud to recognise lots of award winners today! There was even a double celebration for one household!
The ASPIRE points have been counted for the first time this term, and the Roses have taken an early lead. The current totals are:
Bluebell = 89
Buttercup = 109
Rose = 112
Thistle = 97
The whole School Total stands at 407
Our target for this year is 7,500 - I wonder what the reward will be?