How do you spell...?18 January 2022 (by Rachel Bradley McKay (Head)) |
We are really enjoying our new approach to spelling! The children have been getting stuck into investigating spelling patterns and rules and are already talking about how this has helped them.
From Year 2 onwards, our new spelling teaching is organised into a two-week cycle. In Week One, there is an open Investigation lesson, for example in Willow Class we researched whether -able or -ible is a more common suffix. You would be amazed at how many words they found! In Week One, we also have a Go Grapheme Grafters lesson, where we look carefully at a word to find out which part of it is difficult to spell. We then come up with a strategy, such as a picture or analogy which helps us to remember the tricky bit! These sessions are longer spelling lessons where we dig deep into our understanding.
In Week Two, we have a shorter spelling lesson every day where we play games, complete puzzles and practise using spelling rules in lots of fun ways.
Do you want to see this in action? Why not join the open spelling session with your child’s class next week. Class Teachers will be welcoming you to join the classroom through the wonders of technology so that you can see what we get up to. Keep an eye out for your invite.